Saturday, May 1, 2010

I really want to blog more.

It's easy to get caught up in quick, simple Facebook posts. I don't even use Livejournal anymore, except to read a couple friends.

I want to write about my job, about decorating, about wanting kids, about my silly pets, about my quest for identity, about my parents, about all the delightful things my husband does for me.

Part of the reason I haven't done it more is I have NO clue who is reading this, who might actually respond, or at least appreciate it when I do write.

So, speak up, if you would please, just a little, "I'm here!" on this post, and my day will be made, and I'll be encouraged to write. If you want, suggest a topic for my next post!

I could also do with a new appealing layout. Is blogger even that flexible, or should I consider wordpress hosted on my own domain or something? It might make me feel more in charge of it.


Unknown said...

domain + wordpress is the only way to go :D

Christy said...

I've never used it, but I'm going to do a WordPress installation for a client at work, in a quarterly magazine format, so I'll be learning allllllllllll about it! It does seem to have a lot more flexibility.

Unknown said...

It's a piece of cake, you shouldn't have any problem

Anonymous said...

Once upon a time I used Wordpress on our domain. Seemed pretty good.

Stacey said...

I read your blog and stalk you on facebook because you are interesting and I like you.

Knithead said...

I read it :). It's in my RSS feed. I have a blog that I never use in Typepad and it seems flexible enough.

Lisa-Marie said...

PLEASE blog more. I'm always excited when you pop up in my reader.

I'd love to learn more about you, dear cousin, because it has been way too long. All the things you mentioned writing about would be very intriguing to me!

And until you get the wordpress thing going, I say, start here! Don't make us wait.