Sunday, November 23, 2008

"Kappa Eggs"

A friend from Peru and I did an art trade, kappa themed of course, and along with his sculptures, he sent along these amazing little things:

They are water-absorbing gel pellets that start out hard and teeny tiny!

Put them in water, and after a while you can see their outlines are very strange looking.

They start to unfold!

And become perfectly round and clear! The ones without the dye are invisible in the water, unless you hold it up to sunlight so that you can see the shadow of their contours in the water. The ones with dye are very strange in the water, because you can see their colored middles, and when you reach in to grab them, your fingers contact before you think they will, because the outside of it is perfectly clear.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Adventures in Advertising:

Today, I copy-pasted in some text about a community college into a city newcomer's guide, and noticed something funny.

Spartanburg Community College¹s Cherokee County Campus

See that apostrophe?  No, you don't.  It's a superscript 1.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Go Dinty Moore

Soooo EZ Open